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The Novel

My passion is fiction that brings the past to life, and inspires readers to explore our shared history. All my work is meticulously researched and crafted with a focus on accurate historical detail and dramatic storytelling. Join me on a journey into history by exploring my latest novel below.

cover of Dreams Of Thunder

Dreams Of Thunder

16 April 1746

The battlefield of Culloden, and the exhausted Jacobite army face defeat at the hands of the British. Amongst the tartan ranks staring death in the face waits Fraser MacRae, a man whose destiny is about to change forever, and whose greatest adventure is just beginning.

Banished from his native land and transported to the Colonies of northern America, Fraser finds the chance of a new life and the beginnings of a future he had not imagined, until shadows of the past rise up and destroy everything he holds dear. With nothing left to live for he sets out to seek vengeance. 

Available in Kindle, paperback and hardcover formats through Amazon

I appreciate there is only one novel listed on here at the moment. Further novels will follow as they are completed, and I thank you for your patience and kindness in the meantime.

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